Astrology Forecast: August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
This month we start off with a Full Moon in Aquarius at 11:11 AM on Monday the 7th! SO MAGIC! Praise her and her willingness to serve others and her community! This would be a great week to volunteer with a new organization, make a new friend, or ask yourself new questions about how you can better serve the communities you are a part of. Also of note: Mercury stations retrograde once again on August 13th, so be sure to cross your T's and dot your I's beforehand!
And then, later in the month, we'll all gather to camp and drape ourselves across the country for the Eclipse! This will be the first Total Solar Eclipse to be visible in the United States in nearly a century. And even if you are outside on its view, you will likely still feel the very potent and transformative powers that these events illuminate.
Surrounding the Eclipse our emotional selves are likely to struggle. Secure your own safety and build a support system around your heart. Be thoughtful and creative before you make decisions and remember that YOU determine your own experiences.
Overall, August is often a fiery time in every way possible. As we head into this Late Summer period dancing around a Total Solar Eclipse, take care, stay hydrated, and fun as Leo season is most certainly a playful one as well!
Plants to try: Motherwort or Leonurus cardiac (for matters of the heart), St. Johns Wort (for her strong influence on the enteric nervous system) , Eyebright (for sparkling vision), and Calamus (for mental clarity)