The Poisonous Path

The Poisonous Path: Poison Hemlock
The passage into spring brings with it an awakening of urges thought buried below the winter snow. Like bud and leaf, our desires slip through and to the surface, standing...
The Poisonous Path: Poison Hemlock
The passage into spring brings with it an awakening of urges thought buried below the winter snow. Like bud and leaf, our desires slip through and to the surface, standing...

The Poisonous Path: Moonseed
The New Year represents so much release, freedom, and opportunity. It's the world's way of saying we made it. It's a time to celebrate how far we've come and all...
The Poisonous Path: Moonseed
The New Year represents so much release, freedom, and opportunity. It's the world's way of saying we made it. It's a time to celebrate how far we've come and all...

The Poisonous Path: Mandrake
During the changing of seasons, we begin to show our true colors. Whether by nature or by the hunter's moon, drastic change is called forth in order to realize the...
The Poisonous Path: Mandrake
During the changing of seasons, we begin to show our true colors. Whether by nature or by the hunter's moon, drastic change is called forth in order to realize the...

The Poisonous Path: Foxglove
Comparison is a pernicious trick of mind one can play only on themselves. How things should and should not be are delusions, far removed from reality, and yet it's all too...
The Poisonous Path: Foxglove
Comparison is a pernicious trick of mind one can play only on themselves. How things should and should not be are delusions, far removed from reality, and yet it's all too...

The Poisonous Path: Nightshade
We often spend so much of our lives trying to structure the perfect life, with the perfect routines, perfect lifestyles, and perfect relationships. It's in our pursuit of happiness that we...
The Poisonous Path: Nightshade
We often spend so much of our lives trying to structure the perfect life, with the perfect routines, perfect lifestyles, and perfect relationships. It's in our pursuit of happiness that we...

The Poisonous Path: Datura
At times, it is easy to become caught in a routine; to let life pass you by. Whether you feel like you know everything, or like you are doing the...
The Poisonous Path: Datura
At times, it is easy to become caught in a routine; to let life pass you by. Whether you feel like you know everything, or like you are doing the...