Welcome to March! Hopefully you have tied up all major movements involving relationships, finances and/or aesthetics. We are in for a some rough waters due to Venus, ruler of all things Love and Money, turning retrograde for 6 weeks.
Much like the retrogrades of Mars and Mercury, this would be a great time simply observe, discuss, and ride the wave, rather than take action. As long as you remain adaptable and focus on water-like fluidity, you will see smooth sailing in March. You could have great spiritual enlightenment or tap into emotions you didn't know you felt. This is a great month to concentrate on nourishment and growth and to have faith that uneasy times such as these really will spur hope, beauty and new beginnings.
As the days gain length and light, we begin to transition and prepare for Spring. Spend the Virgo Full Moon on the 12th making a healing broth while it's still cold and damp out. Then celebrate the Equinox on the 20th by planting some seedlings, setting some intentions and tending to them both!
Plants to work with: Irish Moss (valuable Pisces herb), Borage (to remedy low spirits and exhaustion), and Yarrow (for her rich volatile oils).