Astrology Forecast: May 2017 Beltane Clarity

Astrology Forecast: May 2017 Beltane Clarity

Mercury Stations Direct on Wednesday and these first few days of May will seem more grounded with powerful Earth energy restored. With all the newfound clarity, this would be a good time for Self-Reflection. Behold your entanglements, measure your capacity and invite the observant nature of Taurus into your being. There is a bit of an extra emphasis on healthcare with Saturn (the planet of authority and transition) square to Chiron (the planet of health and wellbeing). Be cautious as the Springtides of the Moon try to knock you off balance this month. The spirit of Beltane cruises on through to the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 10th. A Scorpio Full Moon is the ideal time to follow your instincts and to be a tad indulgent! Pay attention to your senses and ask yourself what it is that you want to experience. This will be especially important once we enter the Last Quarter Moon in emotional Aquarius. From water to air, feelings begin to settle just as we experience a Gemini New Moon on Thursday, May 25th. Be sure to spend time celebrating this May New Moon using movement, intellect, and all things pertaining to the mind! Plants to try: Coltsfoot (good for hoarseness, coughs, and colds), Blue Vervain (as a tea or in a flower essence), Lavender (to open the crown chakra), Goldenrod (for its harmonizing efforts), and Thyme (to inspire courage)
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