Hello from The Herb Shoppe Practitioner Room
Molly GraceShare
In a recent Instagram post, renowned herbalist Rosemary Gladstar quoted an ancient physician from 1200 B.C., “First the word, then the plant, lastly the knife.” The concept of beginning first with the word is mirrored in Hippocrates’ statement, "Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that made him sick." I think we can all admit, (myself included) that we have at times treated our ongoing and chronic symptoms as an inconvenience we just want to magic away, rather than sincerely turning toward them and listening to the urgent messages they bring us. Due to the sheer momentum and demands of life in the status quo, even when we are intimately aware of our vulnerabilities, it can be challenging to implement self care and lifestyle changes with any permanency, especially without support.
Our community of herbalists and practitioners here at The Herb Shoppe work in the realms of word and plant, aiming for all to avoid the knife. We provide support to one another and we also offer support to you. From one-on-one massage, Reiki, and herbal consultations, to group classes, sliding-scale herbal clinics, and hands on DIY product-making, we practice trading the things that make us sick for a healthier way, and spin webs of support we wish as many people to benefit from as possible. If you’re interested in exploring how our services might lend you the support you need on your true health journey, or you’re a practitioner interested in supporting our community, email info@theherbshoppepharmacy.com, or check out the Practitioner and Events tabs on our website for more information.
Health and wellness are undoubtedly on all of our minds. The recent pandemic crisis has changed our lives, but we are still together. The Shoppe is still up and running, receiving orders by phone and through our website, and offering curbside pickup, shipping and delivery. Our practitioners and teachers are still here too. We’re moving online to web-based classes and consultations, and even offering distance energy healing sessions. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and check out theherbshoppepdx.com for updates and more information on current offerings.