Bleeding Heart Flower Essence with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Bleeding Heart Flower Essence with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Amanda Furbee
In 2020, I would like to explore flower essences with you. This very gentle, but powerful medicine is taken in small doses, otherwise known as micro-dosing. Each month we will take a deeper look at one plant and how it might be beneficial to you. The beauty of flower essence is that it works by enhancing and working with the energetic body. Flower essences are subtle energetic medicine to help and shift whatever energy you are working on, by embracing the spirit of each individual plant. I know that I am constantly trying to evolve and breakdown the layers of life to be a more well-rounded and grounded person. At times, the older we become, the muddier it gets to try and remember the core essence of our beings. Our emotions often rule our whole life. Whether or not we want to admit it, our mood can make or break a day or moment in time. Since we are quickly approaching Valentines Day, I thought I would introduce you to Bleeding Heart. This was one of the first plants that I worked with energetically to help heal and shift some emotional heart trauma that I was experiencing. What a beautiful plant Bleeding Heart is, it's heart shaped flowers say it all. In the PNW, it grows very nicely in shaded areas and is a good spreader. The best way to learn about any plant is to take some time and sit with it. Look at it and explore all the intricacy it holds in its own unique details. If you already have the Bleeding Heart Flower Essence, take 2-4 drops of it. I like to close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. Clear the mind a bit and see what comes up. When I did this with Bleeding Heart, it felt as if the bleeding in my heart revolving around heartbreak from my whole life had someone to finally gently wipe away the weeping of the trauma. Someone to help hold the weight of this burden I was carrying. FES describes Bleeding Heart with the ability to love others unconditionally, with an open heart, granting one emotional freedom. Bleeding Heart flower essence is a very powerful heart cleanser and strengthener for those who must learn the deeper spiritual lessons of love and freedom. Ultimately, it taught me to love and nourish myself better. To understand that I am an individual who can love myself and also another. Bleeding Heart can be helpful in these situations:
  • Broken heart or loss of a loved one or self
  • Releasing the feeling of having to control someone to love
  • Entanglement in relationships based on fear, possessiveness or neediness
  • Emotional co-dependence
  • Connecting with your inner child
  • Cleansing the heart
  • Filling your heart up with your own self love
As we are approaching lighter days and Spring, keep your eye out for the rebirth of a new season and budding plants. If you are in the PNW, look for Bleeding Heart in your neighborhood or natural habitats. One of the first books I read on Plant Spirit Medicine, Stephen Harrod Buhner‘s book “The Secret Teachings of Plants” is a wonderful tool for opening up to listening to the plants, helping us to see the spirit of each plant. Stop by and see us to view our complete line of THS Flower Essence products, create your own custom blend in our blending bar, or set up a consultation with me to dive deeper into your emotional and energetic world. To set up an herbal consultation with me, either in person or via Facetime or Skype, email:
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