Make Your Own: Herbal Infused Salad Dressings

Make Your Own: Herbal Infused Salad Dressings

Amanda Furbee
With spring right around the corner, my tastebuds are already craving those fresh spring greens, like nettles, dandelion leaves and flowers, fiddleheads and kale. Awakening our digestive tract with these leafy greens as we emerge from a winter hibernation is a great way to jump start our minds and bodies as the seasons change. Not only will our digestive tract thank us, but we are also improving our circulation, boosting our immune system and providing a boost of vitamins and minerals. Another excellent way to incorporate herbs into our bodies is to bring them into our foods. Making vinegar infused herbal salad blends are delicious and have many health benefits. This is one of my favorite combinations of herbs to infuse, I prefer to use as much fresh as I can, but dried herbs work great also. I hope you enjoy!
Herbal Salad Dressing Recipe
Ingredients: 1- 32oz Mason Jar 1- 32oz Apple Cider Vinegar (Approx) Fresh or Dried Ingredients 1oz Rosemary (2 Sprigs) .50oz Thyme .50oz Oregano 2oz Garlic (6 cloves) 1oz Chives 1oz Basil .75oz Dandelion Leaf .50oz Nettle Leaf .25oz Lavender Flowers .25oz Red Chili or Chili Flakes .25oz Black Peppercorns Step 1: Take all dried or fresh ingredients and add to 32oz Mason jar. You want it to be pretty full of herbs. Step 2: Take apple cider vinegar and pour over herbs until the jar is completely full. Step 3: Label and date. Put Shake Me on the Jar. You want to shake every day for 1 month. Step 4: Strain out the herbs from the vinegar. Label and date. Keep in the refrigerator. Most will stay fresh for a few months because the vinegar acts as a preservative. Mix with you favorite oil and add to all your favorite salad or specialty dishes. To set up an herbal consultation with me email:
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