Make Your Own: Herbal Pesto

Make Your Own: Herbal Pesto

Amanda Furbee
Have you gotten outside lately for a little fresh air? Tell me what plants are coming up around you? In the PNW, the plants are bursting out of the earth in abundance. This time of year is feels like a reunion with old friends. Little green ones with radiant flower faces. So many of these plant friends are such a rich resource of food. Dandelions, Nettles, Chickweed, Chives, Sage, Oregano, and Basil are just a few that I have recently seen in my own yard and neighborhood. With the COVID-19 virus racing across the world and bringing about panic in many communities, it’s a helpful reminder that our plant allies are here and a great source of nutrition. Herbal pestos are a great addition to all meals. So delicious and versatile. You can add them to most savory dishes and freeze some for later. One of my favorite herbal pesto blends combines Nettles and Dandelions. Nettle leaf not only is a great source for fighting seasonal allergies, but Nettle leaf is a deeply nourishing herb, rich in calcium, magnesium, boron, iron, beta-carotene and most B vitamins. It is an amazing herb for those with deficient blood. The high boron and trace mineral content also makes it useful for retaining calcium. Dandelion leaf is high in nourishing minerals as well, drink the tea regularly as a nourishing tonic, or try stir-frying it fresh! Just a simple reminder that food is medicine. What we put into our bodies is what we get out of them. Here’s what you will need:
  • Approx. ¼ pound of fresh herb of choice: Nettles, Dandelion leaf, Chickweed, Chives, Sage, Oregano, Basil etc., or combination of all. You can also used dry of these, but fresh is best!
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • nuts/seeds of choice - traditionally pine nuts, but walnuts, almonds and sunflower seeds are good options
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup oil of choice, olive, coconut oil, almond etc.
  • 1/4 cup parmesan (optional), sub nutritional yeast for vegan/dairy-free
To Make Your Own: Herbal Pesto
  1. Put everything in your food processor minus oil. Process until finely chopped and then slowly drizzle oil into food processor and blend until combined.
  2. Add to all your favorite dishes, and freeze some for later!
We understand that not everyone likes to make their own products. We take great pleasure in creating products and recipes for you. However, learning to make your own herbal products is a fun evolution to bringing balance to your life. On your person and in your home. If you are interested in going more in depth to make all your own herbal products, get signed up for THS Make Your Own: Herbal Product Series, beginning in August 2020. In this 4-month, hands-on program we will dive into making an assortment of products for your hair, skin, body and home. Space is limited. Secure your spot today! To set up an herbal consultation with me, email:
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