On Anti-Inflammatory Diets with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

On Anti-Inflammatory Diets with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Amanda Furbee

As I shake off 2020, my main personal goal this year is to nourish and provide self-care to myself. That’s right! I am being selfish…or not! It’s so important that we take care of ourselves and rest when we need to. Our society moves so fast all the time. We are constantly asked to shift everything on the drop of a dime. Over time that takes a toll on our physical and mental health. Big time! 

So this year, I am dedicated to myself! To self growth. To rest. To growing my emotional and energetic body. To my relationships, especially to myself. Each month I will plan out a new realm to explore to help grow in that direction.

My self-growth challenge for March was to eliminate as much dairy and gluten from my daily routine as possible. Over the years, I have done the full anti-inflammatory diet so I can better recognize how my body reacts to certain inflammatory food groups. Each time I do it, I am surprised at the new knowledge that is revealed. If you have never done a full anti-inflammatory diet, I encourage you to prep for what you need in advance. There are so many ways to recreate the comfort foods that you may crave with other ingredients to help your body feel better. I first started my journey with anti-inflammatory foods almost 11 years ago, and was shocked to see how my body reacted. I instantly recognized that certain foods gave me major issues like headaches, excessive mucus or stuffy head and ears, GI issues like gas or bloating, and that sluggish mentality was a real thing. Each person’s body is completely different, so you will have to try it on your own to see what your body likes and doesn’t - find our Anti-Inflammatory Diet Guidelines here!

For me, there are certain foods like Eggplant that I just have to stay away from. I do not have a severe food allergy to anything, but I can most definitely see how my body changes with certain food groups. If you have a concern about an allergy, talk to your doctor about what to do before starting this diet. For protocol in March, I chose to focus on eliminating dairy and gluten. With much success, I have eliminated almost every meal without these 2 inflammatory culprits. I did have a few cheat meals in the month, but came prepared with bitters to help add my digestion. The next day, to no surprise, I was bloated and had congestion in my nose and ears. It was a gentle reminder of how much these 2 food groups affect my body. 

You may ask, why would I do this? It seems like a lot of work! The answer is that once you have pinpointed the food groups that can cause issues and stress in your body, you can change your life with food as medicine so you are best nourishing your body to its full potential.     

Beginning in April I will be diving into more ways of soaking up sunshine and bringing energy to my body through nature! My goal for April is 4 days a week of intentional time in nature. Whether that is a stroll around the block, playing in my garden or a grand hike! 

If you feel inclined to join in a year of self-care, reach out. I would love to hear from you about what practices are in your self-care toolbox!

Stop by and see us to view our complete line of THS Products, create your own custom blend in our blending bar or set up a consultation with me to dive deeper into your emotional and energetic worldTo set up an herbal consultation with me, email: info@theherbshoppepharmacy.com 

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