Anti-Ant Cleaning Spray Recipe

Anti-Ant Cleaning Spray Recipe

Sharden Grimm
Get rid of those pesky ants with the help of this cleaning spray! This spray includes essential oils of peppermint, cinnamon, lemon, and lavender. These oils will not only get your kitchen surfaces smelling amazing, but will deter ants from taking over. Neem tea is used as an extra powerful anti bug agent. Mix away, spray and wipe like normal!
Anti Ant Cleaning Spray
2 oz Rosemary Hydrosol
1 oz of strong brewed Neem Tea
1 oz of strong proof Alcohol
60 drops Cinnamon Essential Oil
60 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
20 drops Lemon Essential Oil
20 drops Lavender Essential Oil
Come into the shop and stock up on these oils and hydrosols so you can be ready at home when the ants strike this summer season.
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