Body Care Blend: Immune Boosting Oil

Body Care Blend: Immune Boosting Oil

Amanda Furbee
As the fall approaches us the thought of boosting the immune system is a hot topic for many folks. Most of us tend to play super hard in the summer time and slow down in the fall. Our bodies want to do the same. Rest is such a powerful tool for building the Immune system. However, our culture tends to forget that we need to slow down and instead we speed up for the fall with back to school, holidays and sports. Luckily there’s a great source of herbs and essential oils that can also help us to the path of wellness. Stop by our blending bar on Mississippi to create your own blend to start boosting your immune system before cold and flu seasons starts. Great for back to school, head cold and flu or travel. Creating your own oil blends are super fun and easy! All the Essential Oils in this blend have anti-bacterial, antiviral, antiseptic and disinfectant properties to help to fight off sickness. You could also take this blend and add it to a spray bottle for a cleaning supply or add to your diffuser. For centuries people have used a similar blend called Thieves oil. During the 15th Century the bubonic plague was in full effect, four thieves were robbing dead bodies but not being affected that is where the blend received its proper name “Thieves oil”. For the full story check out Step 1: Pick up supplies (Make sure to Link all of these products) Step 2: Blending
  • Add your Fractionated Coconut Oil to your 5ml roll on bottle.
  • Add your essential oils to the Oil. I find that it is much similar to take out the dropper on the bottle and grab yourself some glass droppers.
Oils by the drop Create a label and add your date created. Go to our website to order your own Immune Boosting Oil or Spritzer Blend. And check out my interview and video with local news channel KGW8 about the benefits of the Immune Boosting Oil here! To set up an herbal consultation with me email:
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