Heart Softening Elderberry Syrup Recipe

Heart Softening Elderberry Syrup Recipe

Sharden Grimm

In comes the early misty mornings that break in the afternoon heat. Our body receives these seasonal cues and begins to integrate the changes. We become softer, move a little slower. Our summers are coming to a head and we hope to squeeze out as much sunshine as we can, while we can. During this time, we might feel the need to begin stocking our stores with herbal remedies we may need in the coming months. Elderberries are bursting during this time, screaming for us to prepare a winter’s stock of Elderberry Syrup.

Elderberry Sambucus nigra has the ability to fight off viruses. Elderberries block receptor sites that viruses use to infiltrate our system, therefore cutting down your sick time by sometimes almost half. In order for elderberries to work their magic, you’ll need to sip on some syrup every hour or so during onset. You can use elderberries daily as a preventative measure as well.

What's great about making an elderberry syrup is you get to custom create it to your own needs! Traditionally we use Elderberry Syrup as a vessel for other immune boosting herbs like echinacea and rosehips. Try adding some mullein or coltsfoot for any respiratory issues or approach it with any spiritual needs you may be having. Looking for an uplift? Try lemon balm.

Try this recipe below for your first batch this season! This recipe contains linden and rose for a little heart opening and softening. Linden Tilia ssp. is a wonderfully cheerful leaf that calms the heart and any nervousness in the heart space. Rose Rosa ssp. brings us a lifting feeling that softens. Rose can aid in overcoming grief, burnout, stress and reminds you to pause and center in.

Heart Softening Elderberry Syrup

Combine ingredients (sans honey) into a small pot, simmer on low low heat until liquid has reduced by about a ¼. Waft in the aromas and set intentions while your stir and simmer your potion. Stir in honey to taste, allow to cool, strain and bottle. Refrigerate and sip on as needed.

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