Make Your Own: Natural Deodorant

Make Your Own: Natural Deodorant

Amanda Furbee
Let’s talk about body odor! It’s a stinky subject, but one that we all have our concerns with. Everyone’s body pH is different and can react with scents differently, but ultimately we are off-gassing what we eat. It can be beneficial to pay attention to what goes into the body to help with controlling body odor. Staying away from highly processed foods and alcohol can help our body’s detoxing not smell so intense. Have you ever put a scent of something on and thought, “Oh my, that makes me smell horrible!” or the opposite, "Oooh la-la-la I smell good!" There are many ingredients that can provide a natural barrier for body odor, and as with all of our products, we want you to know that you can make your own natural deodorant to balance your own pH and pheromones. Some folks have reactions to baking soda and essential oils in natural deodorants; check out these recipes for a few possible options. One without essential oils and one with some gentle essential oils. Watch me live on KGW8 with Cassidy Quinn on September 25th at 5pm, for a live clip from The Herb Shoppe for this month’s product making tip! See below to Make Your Own Natural Deodorant! Make Your Own: Deodorant Natural Deodorant Option 1 (with Essential Oils)



  1. Use a double boiler to melt beeswax, shea butter and coconut oil.
  2. Once all three ingredients are completely melted, remove them from the heat to cool.
  3. Add vitamin E oil and essential oils to the melted oils and beeswax.
  4. Mix well and carefully pour the into deodorant container.




  1. In a double boiler, melt the shea butter and coconut oil.
  2. In a separate large bowl, stir the diatomaceous earth and arrowroot powder together.
  3. Pour melted shea butter and coconut oil mixture into the powder mixture, and stir until completely combined.
  4. Allow the mixture to cool and harden, preferably over an ice bath for faster cooling.
  5. When it looks like the deodorant is half way hardened, meaning there is still a small pool of liquid on top, remove from the ice bath, and take out your electric hand mixer or emulsion blender.
  6. Blend the mixture until there are no chunks of hardened deodorant left.
  7. If you blended the deodorant too soon and it’s still not solid enough to pour into your containers, put the bowl of deodorant onto the ice bath for a minute or two more, then blend with it there in the ice bath.
We take great pleasure in creating products and recipes for you. However, if you are interested in going more in depth to make all your own herbal products get signed up for THS Make Your Own: Herbal Product Series, Beginning in Feb 2019. In this 4 month, hands-on, program we will dive into making an assortment of products for your hair, skin, body and home. Space is limited. Secure your spot today! To set up an herbal consultation with me email:
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