Spring Cleaning & Energetic Cleansing with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Spring Cleaning & Energetic Cleansing with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Amanda Furbee

Dusting, cleaning, and organizing seem to be the most satisfying things to do in the Spring! Have you ever wondered why that is? Is it because we have more light so we see all the dust? Or maybe because we have more natural energy so we want to clean, clean, clean!

On an energetic level, it makes perfect sense to want to clean out those metaphorical cobwebs of winter and dark days. Spring always inspires a fresh start and planting the seeds for the new year to come. Plant those seeds, organize those closets, get rid of all the clutter, and start with a new palette for you! What is your favorite Spring cleaning project? Do you have one specific tradition you do?

Here are my thoughts on Spring Cleaning:

  • Change your air filters! Go ahead and grab some fresh filters and swap them out in Spring to help prevent the pollen from entering your home. Purify your space inside and out.
  • Organize. I love to go through the areas in my house that seemed to have collected more items than needed this time of year. Donate the items you no longer need and make some fresh space. Nothing better than things being organized and easier for you to manage. 
  • Dust & clean. Get all those cobwebs out! Brighten up your space by cleaning all the cobwebs. Dust the winter off the baseboards and windowsills with our THS Cleaning Line. It will instantly make your day brighter. Go ahead and ask those spiders to head outside!
  • Freshen up your altars. Adorn your altars with fresh flowers and gifts. Giving back to the four directions and all the allies that protect us all year long. Such a simple way to say Thank You!
  • Declutter the mind. Now that we have decluttered the house and given it a fresh make-over, let's focus on the mind. Grab your favorite journal and set a day to the side for about 4 hours and write down all your thoughts and intentions. This is where I create my 5-year plan, yearly plan, and monthly plan. This helps you to continue to grow and expand your horizons. Set the course for the destiny you wish to have. 
  • Use plants! That’s right, grab your favorite smoke bundle, incense or resin to burn, or hydrosol or myst to spray, and go from room to room clearing it out. Out with the old and in with the new. I love to set yearly or seasonal intentions while doing this. After you have gone from room to room speaking your intentions and wishes, open the door to sweep it out and let the smoke remove any negative or inhibiting habits out the door with it. This is one of the best ways to energetically cleanse your home and yourself. Shop our resins, smoke bundles, and ceremonial mysts to add yo your cleansing tools!

I can’t wait to hear all about the creative ways you are energetically cleansing your space and mind.

Stop by and see us to view our complete line of THS Products, create your own custom blend in our blending bar or set up a consultation with me to dive deeper into your emotional and energetic world. To set up an herbal consultation with me, email: info@theherbshoppepharmacy.com

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