Tips for Restful Sleep with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Tips for Restful Sleep with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Amanda Furbee

If you have ever struggled, or find yourself currently struggling with good sleep, you know it can really hinder all other aspects of your life. Our body and brain really need to have solid sleep to function optimally. Dreams are a big part of our sleep world and important for connecting with our subconscious. Lucid dreaming is a powerful way to connect with yourself and your emotions. Here at The Herb Shoppe, we want to help you achieve a restful and dreamy sleep pattern.

Lucky for you, there are many tools out there to help you achieve your best sleep and give yourself a boost to your day. Check out these simple tips on how to catch all your zzz's.

My restful sleep tips:

  • Amanda's Stress Tips: The best way to start your journey to a restful night is to reduce and balance your stress levels. Check out this blog on stress tips.
  • Lucid dreaming: The best way I can describe a lucid dream is when you become aware you are dreaming in a dream. At that point, you can shift or change a dream because you are consciously involved. This can be a lovely journey in understanding your subconscious mind and can help you shift your energy. There are many great tools to help you dive into Lucid dreaming. Here are a few of my favorite herbs: Mugwort, Blue Lotus, Cedar. Check out our Lucid Dream Cordial, Lucidity Tea Blend, or our Lucid Dreams Flower Essence.  
  • Avoid large amounts of food or beverage: The digestive tract goes into overdrive when we eat large meals before bed. Everything becomes sluggish and it becomes harder for the body to process. It can also be uncomfortable to rest. Too much liquid can wake you in the middle of the night to run to the bathroom and disrupt your sleep. The amount of time before bed to stop eating and drinking seems to vary from person to person, but minimizing the trips to the bathroom can help keep you asleep longer. It's best to avoid eating a few hours before bed.  
  • Consistent bedtime: The body's organs start working on the daily cleanse before the hours of midnight. In Chinese medicine, they suggest getting to bed around 10:30 pm. It is best to try and work with your internal lock to determine when the best bedtime is for you. Find the time for you and stick with it. If you find yourself waking at the same time each night, there could be a reason. In Chinese medicine, each time of the hour relates to an emotion and/or organ that may need nourishing. Here is a great article that breaks it down.
  • Physical activity: Getting physical activity in your day helps to promote restful sleep. It does not need to be a long or rigorous event, but at least 20 minutes of exercise will help your mind and body to settle at the end of the day.
  • Peaceful environment: Your environment should be free of technology and digital distraction for a best night of sleep. Allowing the space to be dark, cool and comforting will set the stage for good rest. 
  • THS Products: Take a deep breath, relax and dive into our Sleep and Lucid Dreaming monthly specials, available for 15% off through the month of October 2022.

Stop by and see us to view our complete line of THS Products, create your own custom blend in our blending bar or set up a consultation with me to dive deeper your health needs. To set up an herbal consultation with me, email:

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