Culinary Recipes with Chef Nige: Vitamin-Rich PB&J Smoothie

Culinary Recipes with Chef Nige: Vitamin-Rich PB&J Smoothie

Nicole Worthington
This is definitely my favorite go-to smoothie. (Not to mention, I’m always up for a reason to just throw a scoopful of nut butter butter into something.) The Power Greens smoothie powder is an easy way to throw in some of my favorite vitamin and mineral rich green plants like Nettle leaf and Moringa. Full of antioxidant packed berries, energy and fiber packed nut butter, and energizing green herb powder (you don’t even notice is there), your off to a good start or set for an energy boost in the middle of the day. Ingredients: 1 cup frozen blueberries 1 cup frozen berries of choice (I like a frozen berry blend!) 2 cups milk of choice (I like unsweetened almond or soy) ½ banana 2 tablespoons peanut or almond butter 1 pitted date or 1 teaspoon raw honey (optional) 1 teaspoon THS Power Greens Smoothie blend ½- 1 cup ice Method: Grab a blender. Add ingredients in the following order (seriously it’s a game changer): Pour your milk in, green powder, nut butter, frozen berries, ice. Buzz until blended, 30-60 seconds for most blenders. Pour and enjoy!
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