Ayurveda with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Ayurveda with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Amanda Furbee
It is key for us here at THS, to research and understand the many beautifully varying methods and modalities of plant medicine. This allows us the opportunity of opening ourselves to each Culture which has utilized herbs for purposes both alike and variant. Elemental principles of earth, water, air & fire, astrology, and nature’s systems are all approaches which have been utilized to keep humans healthy for centuries. Now, with endless amounts of knowledge available at our fingertips at the click of a button or the turn of a page, we can see the cross-over principles between Western Herbalism, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. This is a wonderful universal reminder that we have been given the gift of plant medicine and the Earth's elementals to bring healing to ourselves, our families & our communities. This month we are diving into Ayurvedic medicine. My focus is on Western Herbalism and as I expand my herbal foundation of this ancient science and researched Ayurveda, I have provided for you some basic information on what I have discovered in Ayurveda. Ayurveda translates to mean the science of life. (Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge). It is the science of healing from herbs and natural means. It is noted on ishwarcenter.org, that the most important thing about Ayurvedic healing is that the herbs are NOT MEDICINES, but nature’s gift to mankind. In Ayurvedic treatments, each person is reviewed based on their specific bodies, doshas (Pitta, Vatta, Kapha) and constitutions to provide the most accurate way of healing the body and bringing balance to each individual. Earthbody.com gives us a simple break down the Dosha’s: Vata= air + space These may result in our constitution as: dry, rough, clear, subtle or cold. Pitta= fire + water These many result in our constitution as: hot, warm, mobile, and slightly oily Kapha= water + earth These many result in our constitution as: oily, moist, cool, pale, slow Therefore, seeking balance through eating the correct foods for your body, nourishing and healing with herbs, proper exercise and meditation for you. It is a lovely approach to diving deeper into who we are as a person and what brings us balance. Here are a few things that I have compiled for understanding Ayurveda a little deeper for yourself:
  1. Take the Dosha Quiz-Find out what your dominant dosha’s are and how to balance them. I took it and discovered that I am Pitta/Kapha dominate and it suggests that I should keep a cool mind and balanced body through meditation, optimal nutrition and spending time in nature. Here’s the link: ttps://store.chopra.com/dosha-quiz?_ga=2.96200991.2066890202.1501362890-1965859166.1501362890&sso_code=eyJpdiI6InpiejFkMlFKeEpCTkNWRlh6eEZ3d2c9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoidlFzNFB0eFV5b2hPdTVvV0U4MDlBN3JYWmFSMTVmOGk1cVFoWEY1cnVmMEZlUEVPWGE1WVRSOXVQekZHckl3cUFEbE1Oa1ZYclJhY212cGtqNTlLRUt3Q1wvdEU2dW9ZYnU1ditHb01YeWVJPSIsIm1hYyI6ImI0NTMxMDVkNzI1ODU2ZGVjYWFjYzM4MTBiYzkxMTRlZmFhNDEzNzk3OTgzZmNmOTRkYWYyNWE2ZTE5ZWY5MTAifQ%3D%3D#sm.0000jn8vsykdhdipvbb2f9iwzb3r4
  2. Susan Bass is an Ayurveda practitioner and educator in the Pacific North West. For more about her therapy and programs go to theartofdigestion.com.
  3. Michelle Magid, owner of Vibrance Ayurveda and Ayurveda practitioner. To find out about her practice go to: vibranceayurveda.com
  4. Ann Wagoner owner of Lighthouse Ayurveda and Ayurveda practitioner. To find out about her practice go to: http://www.lighthouseayurveda.com/
  5. Also, stay tuned for more info on Claire Porter’s Introduction to Ayurveda Mini Series offered this Fall at THS!
Continuing to grow and understand ourselves, to be our best self, is always the most vibrant way to bring balance. I hope to have given you a glimpse into what Ayurveda can provide to you as another option to provide you the optimal health for yourself. Never stop learning, always push the boundaries of what continues to help you grow to your most empowered self. To set up an in-person or video chat herbal or flower essence consultation with me email: info@theherbshoppepharmacy.com
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