Children's Immune Health with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Children's Immune Health with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Amanda Furbee
As the summer begins to wind down, thoughts of “back to school” are quickly approaching parent’s minds. Time to enroll in class, pick up school supplies and start preparing your children for the coming year. Keeping your child well throughout the year is always challenging! Everyday your child is exposed to thousands of unwanted germs. They are coming in from all directions! Like an asteroid releasing its flying rock at your child. However, germs are not all bad. It is okay and healthy for your child to get dirty and to be exposed to germs. The more exposure to a germ the more your body can recognize this as a normal agent in your atmosphere. With that being said being clean is still a great preventative, listen to your Mama and wash your hands! There are many ways you can help your child to stay well in the school season. Here are some of my favorites:
  1. Boost your child’s immune system now!
    1. Provide proper nutrition.
    2. Pack your child’s diet out with vitamins A, C, E & essential fatty acids like flaxseed or fish oil.
    3. Avoid sugar exhausts that over stimulate the body. This causes your child’s immune system to be run down.
    4. Add Garlic to your foods! Garlics antibacterial properties are remarkable.
    5. Herbal Syrups, Tinctures, Teas & Capsules are a perfect way to boost your child’s immune system. Give them a little pep in their step with a blend of these immune boosting herbs: Elderberry, Astragalus, Rosehips, Echinacea & Orange Peel.
  1. Breastfeeding
    1. If you are actively breastfeeding you are naturally providing a strong immune system and preventing your baby against sickness.
    2. What a beautiful example of, what you put in your body is what you get out of it!
  1. Environment Be aware of what you surround yourself with. I am not saying you need to go get rid of everything you have going on in your home, but next time you run out of multipurpose cleaner, check the label. Did you know it’s super easy and affordable to make you own natural cleaning supplies? You probably have most of the ingredients at your house already. Check out these recipe’s from Wellness Mama:
    1. Materials
    2. Cleaning products
  1. Emotional Well-being
    1. Stress will wear the body down faster than anything else. As adults we have all experienced that! Keep your babies stress free.
    2. Regulating Sleep - having a set bedtime with your children, allows you all to rest and rebuild consistently.
    3. Rescue Remedy is a great solution if you find your little one needs a little relaxing.
    4. Napping - this encourages the importance in relaxing and also sets up the balance and restorative properties of meditation.
To set up an herbal consultation with me email:
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