Drop Dosing with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Drop Dosing with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Amanda Furbee
Among herbalists, homeopathy practitioners & healers you will hear the discussion about drop dosing verses a typical dosing (1-5 drops vs 1-2 dropperful(s)). What are drop dosages used for? Are they as strong as a full dosage? In my experience, a dosage can vary depending on what and whom you are treating. Each case is very specific for each treatment. For example, I may use Arnica Flower essence in drop dosages for someone who has just experienced trauma to calm down the emotional shock of that event. If someone has fallen and bruised their arm, I would recommend rubbing some Arnica Oil on the bruise. If someone is in pain emotionally or physically I may suggest using Arnica Tincture in drop dosages of 1-5 drops up to 3 times a day. Often you will see drop dosages used for treating the emotional body vs. the physiological body. Jim McDonald describes drop dosing in a poetic way: “You don't want to manifest the herbs physiological effects, so using the small dosage carries the plant's medicine power without acting on you in a decidedly medicinal manner.” However, with that being said, drop dosages are also used medicinally for the physiological body. In traditional medicine it is more about finding the dose that is appropriate for your treatment. More does not always mean that is the best. Learning that more is often less and less is often more is something that many herbalist such as Jim McDonald, Paul Bergner, Susan Weed & Sean Donahue practice and teach with micro-dosing. These small dosages are often as powerful if not more powerful than a typical dosage of that plant. Maybe your New Year's Resolution was to begin the process of healing your heart or beginning to mend whatever feels empty. These are a few plants that I have used and recommended for the heart in drop dosages. Their medicine is subtle and strong.
  1. Bleeding Heart Flower Essence- FES suggests that using bleeding heart flower essence can help to love others unconditionally, with an open heart. Through Bleeding Heart, the soul learns to fill itself from within with strong spiritual forces, so that the capacity to love another is based on the ability to honor and nourish the Self.
  2. Devils Club Flower Essence or Tincture- My favorite description of Devil’s Club in drop dosage with either a tincture or flower essence is this image of the body with chest out arms back and light waves penetrating out of the heart. Piercing the world with the energy of heart. Let the joy of your heart energy shine and break through any negative blockages.
  3. Black Cohosh Flower Essence or Tincture- Black Cohosh is a flower essence, recommended using to bring the cycle of bad habits in relationships. It tends to bring you out of the shadow side of life and into the glowing sunshine, so you may see your true self and all you empower.
This is one of my favorite blends for heart healing: 15ml-Rose Tincture 15ml-Hawthorne Tincture 15ml-Devils Club Tincture 15ml-Linden Flower Tincture 4 drops Bleeding Heart Flower Essence 4 drops Black Cohosh Flower Essence 4 drops 3x day May your heart be full of Joy with every person you meet! Remember to take a deep breath and truly connect with each encounter. To set up an herbal consultation with me email: info@theherbshoppepharmacy.com
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