Tarot Reading for February:  The Three of Cups & Licorice Root

Tarot Reading for February: The Three of Cups & Licorice Root

Claire Porter

A celebration commences in Three of Cups as three beautiful young women raise their goblets, filled to the brim with champagne or wine while dancing in a circle and making a tipsy toast. Flowers are woven in their hair, while fruits and vegetables are laid out at their feet, suggesting a bountiful harvest where there is plenty to be shared by all. Their arms are entangled, and they gaze at each other affectionately. Are they sisters, best friends, old schoolmates, cousins? Regardless, it is clear that the connection is one of kindred spirits, of mutual respect, of joie de vivre. Music is probably playing – a band is surely off to the side, perhaps as are good-looking suitors, more friends, family members – a rousing community must be gathered. They are having the night of their lives. They think of nothing more than that golden moment, a full glass of ale, a youthful step, a song in the air, a night that seems to last forever, maybe even stealing a mischievous kiss or two. Don’t we all deserve such a moment in time? For these are truly the moments in life to live for. Like gems on a sterling silver chain, they become a necklace of memories that when we are old, we can hold and marvel at in our mind’s eye, holding up to the light to catch their glimmer and beauty, that with time and experience, we will appreciate even more, cherishing in our hearts forever. The Three of Cups reminds us of what is truly important – human companionship, a bountiful harvest, a cup brimming over with spirits, perhaps a bright moon to make all sorts of mischief under, and always a fiddle to make our feet itch for dancing. 

When the mischievous ladies of the Three of Cups make themselves known in a reading, there is a sweetness in our lives that has probably already revealed itself or will very soon. If we are waiting or need a reason to celebrate, we don’t need to wait any longer, an abundant harvest is about to arrive, and our friends will be reaching out any time now, and if not, then it’s a sign that we should be calling them and finding an excuse to get the ol’ gang back together. The Three of Cups reminds us that life is made for living, loving, and laughing and none of that should be done alone.

A perfect companion to the Three of Cups is Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra), a perennial herb in the pea or legume family whose root has a soothing, demulcent texture, which when made into a tea or lozenge can ease sore throats and other inflamed mucus membranes including gastric and duodenal ulcers, and stomach related issues such as acid reflux. Due to the numerous plant compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects found in this plant, including a potent compound called glycyrrhizin, it is currently being studied for its protective effects against certain types of cancer, including prostate cancer. Glycyrrhizin is responsible for its distinctly sweet flavor, however, it can accumulate in your body over time, leading to imbalances in fluid and electrolyte levels as well as the stress hormone cortisol, so use it with caution, especially if you take blood pressure medications, or consider consuming deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) instead. 

With that in mind, historically speaking, Licorice is one the most widely used herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine because it harmonizes all the other herbs in a formula, allowing the different medicines to work better together without neutralizing their own effects, just like the lovely women in the Three of Cups. Each one has something to add to the group – a unique energy that the others love and cherish! Harmony and collaboration reign in this card, just like Licorice Root does in a batch of other medicinal herbs. Take heed and find time to reply to that old high school reunion invitation or family get-together – or perhaps it's time for you to organize one in your own backyard!

*Tarot reading is based on the Rider-Waite Tarot Card deck, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith


Bode, Anne, M, Dong, Zigang. “Chemopreventive Effects of Licorice and Its Components.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, 28 January 2015. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32226725/

Foust, Carrie. “Researchers Look to Licorice for Promising Cancer Treatments.” University of Illinois Chicago Today, 6 April 2022. https://today.uic.edu/researchers-look-to-licorice-for-promising-cancer-treatments/

Geer, Mary K. Tarot for Your Self: A Workbook for the Inward Journey, 2nd Edition. New Jersey, The Career Press, Inc, 2002. P251

McGrane, Kelli, MS, RD. “What Are Licorice Root's Benefits and Downsides?” Healthline, 12 June 2020. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/licorice-root#benefits

Tierra, Lesley Lac. Healing with the Herbs of Life. Berkeley, The Crossing Press, 2003. P96-7

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