Wearing a robe of pure white with large multicolored wings, an angelic figure peacefully welcomes us at the bank of a mysterious body of water in the Temperance card. Behind this enlightened being, we see a road winding into some distant hills where the sun rises in a gentle, golden exhalation. This card follows one of the most intense cards of the entire deck – the transformative Death card. In Tarot, the Death card signifies the temporary relinquishment of control by the Ego. Usually this is brought on by a dramatic experience in one’s life – the kind of experience that frightens, angers or saddens us to the point where we may question ourselves or particular truths we previously thought were certain or unmovable. Following our crisis, Temperance shows us the amazing potential we can unlock when we step away from Ego dominant thinking. The gentle, healing angel we see in this card mixes water between two gilded goblets, showing us how to blend disparate desires. The angel is not here to remove or erase our Egos, which protect and defend us in a wild world that is sometimes dangerous and unpredictable. Instead, they want us to understand the power inherent in mixing our Ego with self-awareness, conscientiousness and selflessness. Temperance is here to return harmony and balance. Standing with one foot in water and the other on land, we see how the unconscious is stirred, awakened and acknowledged (symbolized by water) while at the same time the conscious is urging us to manifest our awareness in the physical world. This combination is potent, powerful, heady and healing all at once for it is a step toward self-actualization and inner empowerment.
If we are visited by Temperance in a reading, we should be aware that the time is ripe to merge feelings, thoughts or ideas that we previously considered to be contrasting or opposite. How can we combine oil and water? It may seem impossible but that is the magic of this card – if we can just shift or relax our perspective, we’re able to see how blending very different notions carries a hidden strength. We discover how different perspectives are actually stronger together than apart – such as ambition paired with compassion or courage blended with tenderness. And a release happens when we’re made aware of the limitations inherent in the Ego. The Ego, of course, will never admit it is limited or weak. But without more creative, compassionate, spirit-based perspectives, the Ego is definitely not as robust as it may have us believe. True strength and wisdom are found in nurturing and consistently merging left and right brained ways of seeing the world. It’s important to be rewards based, for instance, but also ethical and sympathetic. No goal can be accomplished without organization, planning and scheduling, but taking some steps back to reflect on how that goal fits into the bigger picture of our lives is also necessary.
What might help us prepare for the challenge of merging opposites? Oat Straw (Avena Sativa) is a perfect companion to help us take on this arduous task. Known as a nerve tonic, Oat Straw is the leaves and stems of the common oat, whose seeds are often used in our cereals and breads. Harvested when the oat is still green, Oat Straw contains a blend of phytochemicals, nutrients, and antioxidants that nourish and strengthen the nervous system. Nutrients including B vitamins, calcium and magnesium are found in this simple grass, all which support a smoothly running nervous system while alkaloids including gramine relax smooth muscles found in the digestive tract, reducing stress induced digestive problems like irritable bowel syndrome. Oat Straw also contains avenanthramides, which are polyphenols with antioxidant properties that may boost mood related neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine. Besides boosting mood, studies have also shown that Oat Straw extract can improve cognitive function, including working memory and dual-task performance, making it the perfect herb to pair in activities which require balancing various activities.
Temperance and Oat Straw show us how to take our active, achievement based outer natures and merge them with our sensitive, reflective, selfless inner selves – creating a stronger, more balance spirit that is willing to learn, grow, and interact with life in harmonious, successful ways.
*Tarot reading is based on the Rider-Waite Tarot Card deck, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith
Dimpfel, Wilfried, Storni, Charlotte Storni and Verbruggen, Marian. “Ingested Oat Herb Extract (Avena sativa) Changes EEG Spectral Frequencies in Healthy Subjects.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, 12 May 2011. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21563962/
McGrane, Kelli, MS, RD. “Can Oat Straw Extract Improve Your Health?” Healthline, 24 September 2024. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/oat-straw-extract
Kennedy, O David, Bonnländer, Bernd, Lang, Stefanie C, et al. “Acute and Chronic Effects of Green Oat (Avena sativa) Extract on Cognitive Function and Mood during a Laboratory Stressor in Healthy Adults: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study in Healthy Humans,” National Center for Biotechnology Information, 29 May 2020. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7352613/
Pollack, Rachel. Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom. San Francisco, Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC, 2007. P105-109