Tea Blend Spotlights




The MasculiniTEA Blend is a mineral rich tonic which aids in the overall immunity and balance of men. This infusion has a great restorative capacity, with the ability to improve...



The MasculiniTEA Blend is a mineral rich tonic which aids in the overall immunity and balance of men. This infusion has a great restorative capacity, with the ability to improve...

“The Feminine Divine” Power of the Feminine Tea Blend

“The Feminine Divine” Power of the Feminine Tea...

Nicole Worthington

To invoke the Feminine Divine, is to have the courage to stand strong and confident in our decisions, while remaining fluid and open to what the universe has to offer....

“The Feminine Divine” Power of the Feminine Tea...

Nicole Worthington

To invoke the Feminine Divine, is to have the courage to stand strong and confident in our decisions, while remaining fluid and open to what the universe has to offer....

"The Squeaky Cleaner" Skin & Liver Tea

"The Squeaky Cleaner" Skin & Liver Tea


Recipe Dandelion (Restorative and regenerating herb, helps to stimulate and cleanse the liver aiding in the flow of bile) Burdock (Best herb for skin-related imbalances, liver cleanser, blood purifier) Angelica...

"The Squeaky Cleaner" Skin & Liver Tea


Recipe Dandelion (Restorative and regenerating herb, helps to stimulate and cleanse the liver aiding in the flow of bile) Burdock (Best herb for skin-related imbalances, liver cleanser, blood purifier) Angelica...