Our team
Our Team

Amanda Furbee
Amanda Furbee’s interest in herbalism began at an early age but it wouldn’t be until 2010, when she moved to the Pacific Northwest, that her relationship with medicinal plants blossomed. The move from the east coast to the west coast would be more than a change of scenery, it brought her closer towards the wonderful world of herbalism. Ambitious to start learning she found a golden opportunity working at Portland’s first all organic herbal supplier, The Herb Shoppe. Her experience was even more fulfilling than she had hoped for, feeling invigorated Amanda knew this was a step in the right direction.
Inspired to take her knowledge further she enrolled in Rosemary Gladstars’ herbal certification course under Dr. JJ Pursell, the founder of The Herb Shoppe. Rosemary’s insights made it easy for Amanda to dive in head first, and like a vitamin for the soul Amanda absorbed all she could from the Mother of Herbalism. Amanda learned not only from the certification course but also from the shops informed herbalists and customer interactions as well. Within a few months of being on staff Amanda would find herself collaborating with Dr. Pursell and together they strategized the future of the company.
As a result of their partnership The Herb Shoppe Pharmacy and Learning Center opened its doors on Feb 15th, 2014. More than a business it was created with the intention of becoming a community space for educators and collaborators alike, something Amanda was instrumental in developing. A couple years later Dr. Pursell proposed potential changes for the company and questioned her future with THS. After several months of deliberation the decision was made; Amanda would transition from partner to sole proprietor. The Herb Shoppe couldn’t have been left in more capable hands.
Amanda continues to broaden her understanding of herbalism while making improvements to just about every aspect of The Herb Shoppe. Do you have specific health or herbal questions for Amanda? She would love to meet you and is available for one-on-one consultations as well. With an entrepreneurial spirit and the power of herbalism beside her The Herb Shoppe’s finest years have yet to come.
Set up your appointment with Amanda for herbal or flower essence consultations. Please email. info@theherbshoppepharmacy.com

Nicole Telkes
Nicole Telkes is a practicing herbalist, educator and activist. She sees clients both online and in person for acute and chronic health issues related to the body, mind and spirit. Her in person practice is currently split between Austin, Texas and Portland, Oregon. She works closely with Occupy Medical in Eugene. She is also the Director and Founder of the Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine https://wildflowerherbschool.com and a founder and spokesperson of the Traditions Not Trademarks Free Fire Cider Movement. https://freefirecider.com
Nicole specializes in bioregional medicinal plants and is a fully stocked herbal apothecary with wild and weedy custom formulations for her clients and students. Nicole is committed to honoring, respecting, and protecting the Earth through all her work. In 2009 she became a Registered Herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild. In 2019, she became a clinical mentor with the AHG. Nicole has practiced, collected herbs, and taught since 2000, and has studied ecology, botany, and bioregionalism since 1995. She manages a farm and botanical sanctuary with an apiary.
Nicole’s approach to wellness and herbalism in general blends together the ideas of permaculture on the land and holism in the body. Her practice is eclectic and pulls from holistic Western Herbalism, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is influenced from traditions of folk healing in Mexico. She wrote the first book on herbs of her bioregion, The Medicinal Plants of Texas. Her institutional learning comes from receiving a BA in Botany and Ecology from the University of Texas.
You can reach out to her for wellness appointments, speaking at your event, land consulting, clinical mentoring, writing, or teaching.
Set up your appointment with Nicole Telkes here https://wildflowerherbschool.as.me/schedule.php

Molly Grace
Molly Grace is a recent transplant to Portland, originally from Buffalo, NY. Her interest in energy work began in 2014 when she received her first Reiki session from Megan Callahan. In this first session Molly experienced a deep feeling of peace and well-being, unlike anything she ever felt before, and knew she wanted to learn more about the unseen extensions of physical form. In 2016 Molly completed 6 months of Reiki training with the Mudita Spirit School, based out of Ojai, California, and went on to complete RMT training with Megan in Buffalo, in 2017. Molly continues to explore metaphysical studies, most recently at the Portland Psychic School. In addition to Reiki and psychic work Molly has studied Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Thai Medicine, and enjoys dabbling in Western folk and herbal medicine traditions. She lives in NE Portland with her partner Michael, 7-year-old Rose, and Blueberry the fish.
Visit www.mollygraceiem.com for more information.

Clare Kritter
Clare Kritter is a Certified Clinical Herbalist, providing whole-body health and flower essence consultations in the Vitalist and Wise Woman traditions.
Clare’s relationship to herbal medicine reflects the different places she’s called home, the seasons, the trees and lakes of her childhood, the western mountains, the Pacific Ocean, and the wily desert. It is inspired by her lifelong relationship to dance and the arts, her passion for social justice and human rights, and the folkloric healing practices of Old Europe. It is informed by traditional Chinese tongue and pulse diagnostics, and her inquiry into medical and psychological astrology. Her practice embodies an ever-deepening conversation between tradition and modern medical science.
Clare began her study of herbal medicine at the Ohlone Herbal Center in Berkeley, CA, completing an 8-month apprenticeship program in community herbalism. In the spring of 2017, Clare completed the Clinical Certification Program at the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism in Boulder, CO, working as an herbalist in the student clinic and receiving certificates in Clinical Herbalism, Clinical Nutrition, and Bach Flower Essences. Prior to this, she completed the Advanced Herbalism program at the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism. The bulk of Clare’s work has focused on imbalances of the female reproductive system, birth control, and post-abortion and post-miscarriage support, but she is available to address health concerns of any kind.
Clare is currently accepting clients for herbal, nutritional or flower essence consultations. To read more about Clare or to book a consultation, please visit. www.clarekritter.com
Retail Staff

Sharden During her search for healing, connection and understanding Sharden was lead to Herbalism. As an undeniable source of solace, Mother Nature herself showed Sharden healing paths such as yoga, tarot, nutrition, and of course the plants. As a witch, a healer, a student, and a DIY enthusiast, Sharden inspires to learn as much as she can about the practice of Herbalism. She has been self studying Western Herbalism, all natural skincare, nutrition, and yoga for many years. In her free time she develops skin care products and formulates medicine for friends and family. Sharden has been intuitively self guiding her education using the tools received by Mother Nature her whole life. Sharden believes practicing Herbalism is a way to reclaim our given connection to the divine source and acts as a way to give back. A radical practice which empowers us, gives us freedom and which protects this earth we call home. Sharden Co-Owns Artemisia Elixir Bar “A trio of herbalists serving playful, medicinal elixirs across the Pacific Northwest featuring regional and ancestral plant medicine. We bring a performative flair to every elixir bar pop-up, incorporating herbal education and consultation” Learn more here http://artemisiaelixirbar.com/ You can also find her facilitating herbal classes and workshops at The Herb Shoppe. Find out more at https://sgherbalism.wordpress.com/ or follow her on instagram via @shardengrimm.

Amelia is a Michigan native who was drawn to the west coast for her love of tall trees and an affinity for holistic healing. As a sprite young sunflower Amelia began dancing in her back yard, twirling amongst the tall grass, trees, and throughout her mothers garden. As a dancer her curiosity for movement and its healing abilities allured her into the world of Yoga. While practicing yoga as a means to find union and synergy in her health Amelia was introduced to the world of naturopathy. Experiencing a lifelong challenge with anxiety and panic attacks she finally found herself in the office of a naturopath in Durango, Colorado. Two weeks into completely changing her diet and using herbal supplements Amelia understood that our relationship with food and plants is vastly expansive. Amelia is amazed at the body’s ability to heal itself along with the role herbs play to assist in healing.
Amelia is twirling through and exploring the world of academia and hopes to merge her curiosities of the earth, movement, and spirituality. When she’s not sashaying through the forest or in a down-dog, you can find her reading Harry Potter for the seventh time, creating new hairstyles, or playing with plants.

Clare Kritter
Clare Kritter is a Certified Clinical Herbalist, providing whole-body health and flower essence consultations in the Vitalist and Wise Woman traditions.
Clare’s relationship to herbal medicine reflects the different places she’s called home, the seasons, the trees and lakes of her childhood, the western mountains, the Pacific Ocean, and the wily desert. It is inspired by her lifelong relationship to dance and the arts, her passion for social justice and human rights, and the folkloric healing practices of Old Europe. It is informed by traditional Chinese tongue and pulse diagnostics, and her inquiry into medical and psychological astrology. Her practice embodies an ever-deepening conversation between tradition and modern medical science.
Clare began her study of herbal medicine at the Ohlone Herbal Center in Berkeley, CA, completing an 8-month apprenticeship program in community herbalism. In the spring of 2017, Clare completed the Clinical Certification Program at the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism in Boulder, CO, working as an herbalist in the student clinic and receiving certificates in Clinical Herbalism, Clinical Nutrition, and Bach Flower Essences. Prior to this, she completed the Advanced Herbalism program at the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism. The bulk of Clare’s work has focused on imbalances of the female reproductive system, birth control, and post-abortion and post-miscarriage support, but she is available to address health concerns of any kind.
Clare is currently accepting clients for herbal, nutritional or flower essence consultations. To read more about Clare or to book a consultation, please visit. www.clarekritter.com

Nicole Worthington
Nicole Worthington has been drawn to the Pacific Northwest much of her life, but finally made the jump to Portland a few summers back. With a background in cooking, Yoga, and the healing power of food, Herbalism has been a wonderful addition to her life energetically and physically. The plants have provided much solace and healing during a time of loss and grief, as well as providing overall balance in the body and mind. Nicole is confident that Herbalism is the Peoples’ Medicine, and by making a cup of tea you are already denying oppressive systems that reject self care and complete wellness. Nicole has learned much from the plants and spends time honoring, listening, and being open to all the wisdom they have to offer. Nicole feels blessed to continue her journey with all the beautiful beings here at The Herb Shoppe and is excited to share the knowledge and insight she has learned with an open heart and mind.
When Nicole is not learning from the plants, she can be found immersed in a thrift store, goofing around with friends, or listening to records while playing in the kitchen. 🙂