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Alchemilla xanthochlora- Ladys Mantle Tincture

Alchemilla xanthochlora- Ladys Mantle Tincture

Regular price $ 19.50
Regular price Sale price $ 19.50
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Alchemilla vulgaris 

Lady’s mantle is a somewhat astringent herb that helps regulate fluids in the tissues. It makes a wonderful toning herb for damp, weak tissue states, including pelvic floor weakness, hernia, rectal tear, prolapse of the uterus, and excessive uterine bleeding. A wonderful uterine tonic for curbing excessive menstrual bleeding and for strengthening the uterus after childbirth.  


THS recommends that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using herbal products, particularly if you take other medications, or if you are nursing, pregnant, or expecting to become pregnant. This information is for education purposes, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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Bountiful Benefits

Alchemilla vulgaris

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