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Symphytum officinale- Comfrey Root Tincture

Symphytum officinale- Comfrey Root Tincture

Regular price $ 19.50
Regular price Sale price $ 19.50
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Symphytum officinale 

Comfrey contains allantoin, a cell proliferant that makes comfrey an incredible herb for stimulating growth when tissue has been injured or is having trouble regenerating. It is useful for when healing from broken bones, sprains and strains, and injuries to the skin and mucosa. It also supports and heals connective tissues, helping to increase circulation to the area and aid with regeneration. Comfrey makes a wonderful infused oil or salve for skin healing. However, it should never be applied to deep wounds: it can cause the surface skin to heal before the internal tissues, allowing for pockets of infection to develop. Use on surface abrasion, scrapes and cuts instead!
*While comfrey has long been used internally, it has recently been found to contain a hepatoxic alkaloid. The root contains a higher concentration than the leaf. Do your own research and/or consult a doctor before using comfrey internally. Best avoided during pregnancy and nursing*


THS recommends that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using herbal products, particularly if you take other medications, or if you are nursing, pregnant, or expecting to become pregnant. This information is for education purposes, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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Symphytum officinale 

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