Healing your Magical Body: Quartz Crystal

Healing your Magical Body: Quartz Crystal

Regular price $ 8.50
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Zine / pamphlet. Published by Microcosm!
This short zine packs a lot of practical information about the healing powers of quartz crystals into a short, cut-and-paste format. Learn chemistry and geology basics, choosing and caring for crystals, various healing modalities, your body's crystalline nature, how technology uses crystals, and more. Zooms all the way out to include meditations and bigger-picture perspectives about the nature of consciousness and what it means to be human. There's much more to learn in these pages than you'll find in many longer books about crystals.

THS recommends that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using herbal products, particularly if you take other medications, or if you are nursing, pregnant, or expecting to become pregnant. This information is for education purposes, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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